YouTube Trend

Find the Latest and Hottest Videos on YouTube by Language, Country, and Number of Results


YouTube is one of the largest video-sharing platforms on the internet, with billions of users and hours of content being uploaded every day. With so much content available, it can be overwhelming to find the most popular and relevant videos. That's where the YouTube Trend tool comes in. Our tool allows you to find the latest and hottest videos on YouTube by language, country, and number of results, so you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and find new videos to watch.


  1. Trending Videos: Our tool shows you the top trending videos on YouTube in real-time. This means you'll always be in the know about the most popular videos on the platform.

  2. Filter by Language: You can filter your search results by language, including English, Spanish, French, and more. This makes it easy to find videos in the specific language you're interested in.

  3. Filter by Country: You can also filter your search results by country, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and more. This allows you to find videos from specific regions of the world.

  4. Set Number of Results: You can set the number of results you want to see per page, ranging from 1 to 10. This lets you customize your search experience to suit your needs.

How to Use:

Using the YouTube Trend tool is simple. Just visit our website ( and select the tool from the list. You'll be taken to the YouTube Trend page, where you can select a language and country, and set the number of results you want to see per page. Our tool will then show you the most popular and relevant videos based on your search criteria.


If you're looking for a way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends on YouTube, the YouTube Trend tool is the perfect solution. With our tool, you can find the most popular videos on the platform in real-time, search for videos by keyword, filter your results by language and country, and set the number of results you want to see per page. Give it a try today and discover new videos to watch!